Our staff are all highly trained and motivated to give the best of care to our residents. There is a 10 part training programme which is mandatory for all staff and which is considered to be one of the most comprehensive in the business. The courses lead to certified qualifications which compliment the NVQ training undertaken by the carers.
Every member of our staff is Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checked and are trained to ensure that privacy, dignity and choice are respected and that the security of each resident is maintained. All staff are trained in-house by local training providers and the courses covered are:
Approved Persons First Aid*
Moving & Handling*
Health & Safety*
Infection Control*
Dementia Awareness
Managing Challenging Behaviour
Basic Food Hygiene
Safeguarding (Abuse Awareness)
Fire Awareness / Safety
Competence of Medication Handling
* These courses are Certificate of the Institute Environmental Health (CIEH) qualifications.
All our staff are trained and become qualified to at least National Vocational Qualification (NVQ) level 2. Many progress to level 3 and beyond.
All staff are encouraged to develop their own potential, with some studying for the registered managers award and nurses receive study days to ensure they maintain current best practice within their profession.
On-going appraisal and supervision empowers our staff to provide the best possible care and attention to all our residents.